
Everybody's Sun
John Westrock via Compfight


It’s the middle of the day

sun shining bright

but it is as dark as night

The moons in the way

it’s blocking the sun

the solar eclipse has just begun

The time is passing

minute by minute

the solar eclipse is just at its limit

The sun’s coming back

second by second

then when it’s done

it’s back to the sun


The Cat

 Comp The Wasp Factory 

Eyes on Target

In this picture I see a snowy day, where the air is crisp and clear.  I Imagine the only thing you can hear is a quiet crunch, crunch, crunch from the lynxe’s soft paws. I wonder where he’s come from? Where he’s going? I wonder if he’s done this route before? Or if other lynx have done it before?

I want to know what you see?

Sincerely Jaben.


All About Jaben

Hello world.

My name is Jaben, I am 11 years old and in grade 6. I live in Comox, B.C. Canada. It’s a really good place to live because there are forests all around.

I like sports. My favorite sport is mountain biking. It is a great place to live if you like mountain biking because Cumberland is one of the best places to mountain bike in the world, I think! I enjoy playing baseball as well, but I like to watch hockey. I like soccer too and I play every lunch and recess at school. I also do taekwondo and I have a green belt, working on blue stripe. My next test is coming up in November, by then I should have my blue stripe.

I like mountain biking and fishing with my Dad, and basketball with my 10 year old sister (because she’s easy to beat). Mom and I like playing geography games. We all like water sports. This summer we did knee boarding, wakeboarding and tubing, they are a lot of fun. If you get the chance to you should try them.

I’ve listed a few of my favorite sports, what are yours?

~See you soon, Jaben